The Holomorphic Pendant gets its form by sampling from the Julia Set, a fractal defined by the iterative functions above. The Julia Set is determined by all starting points in the complex plane that remain bounded (i.e., do not diverge) under the iteration:
A specialized shader program samples the two-dimensional Julia Set and transforms it into three dimensions by using a distance-estimation technique (often referred to as raymarching). Through this approach, the program "inflates" the fractal into a solid form by stepping through virtual space and measuring the distance to the fractal's surface at each point. Once the form is well-defined, the output is converted into a mold and then cast in silver.
To distill the shape into a castable form, the program was capped at 7 iterations—meaning if a point has not "escaped" by then, it is assumed to be part of the shape—and structural supports were added. The exact program used to create each pendant is running in real time on this website.
925 Sterling Silver
90mm x 20mm x 4mm
Made in:
Los Angeles
Distance estimation